I seriously have no idea what am I implying on my title of this entry -.-"
I supposed to reach (L)'s place yesterday morning & I was late again. So I reached only in the afternoon and (L) ask me to roll there quickly (-
快一点滚过来-). Yes, so yesterday was an exciting one. We went ikea, dinner, shopping, chinatown, supper with his family.
(L) asked me if I'm happy somewhere around chinatown when we were squeezing our way through the crowd. I think I wasn't concentrating on his questions. Hahaha, disappointed right my dear ?
我很开心 很开心! No no no, (L) keep on scan for pretty girls outside lor. 不开心 不开心! But I still miss him now la. Heh heh!
He shouted today when he was mad with his Bobbi. Made me laugh like hell.
Bayyyy-beeee, I miss you like ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ! -.-"
POSTED BY ☆ オードリーDREY @ 11:59 PM