Yiling : Baby! My daddy don't let me go out! -,- he thinks that i might faint again. lol
{♥} Audrey : lol, the way I heard you faint, very dramatic!Aaron: Got job never intro. What a friend. How much the pay?
{♥} Audrey : lol. I treat you the way you treat me. hahaha
Yiling : Lols. I want LWX lahh. I don't want you lahh! Jurong jurong jurong~ Hahahahas.
{♥} Audrey : hahaha. what jurong jurong. no name meh! lol
♥'J: HAHAHA ! i understand what your post title means [: , have fun tmr ! and read my blog ! there's something about you yo ! [: LOVEYOU.
{♥} Audrey : hahaha. Joanne is always being so horny when she step into town. Yiling : lols, l8r pple don't know, thought that i'm joanne. hahs
{♥} Audrey : lol, i already say is late photos ma.
Lydia: Last long with your boy.
{♥} Audrey : Thank you. You too !
♥'J: HAWHAW ! i know you love it ;P . YEA BABY ! MY ALL TIME FAVOURITE :] ! SEE YOU TMR LOVE !
{♥} Audrey : all thanks to you, i'm addicted to contrast photos.
ahben: yooooooooooo ! hahah, so long didnt tag u already
{♥} Audrey : ok, thanks for coming to tag yo! hahaha
Shane: Your scent is like a drug to me just like my personal drug of heroin! HAHAHA
{♥} Audrey : someoine didn't even buy a BAR of chocolate for me when he came back from a long long holiday.
{♥} Audrey : Hello back!
Aaron: Hmm
{♥} Audrey : ?. I just found out that my scanner is working . LOL
Yiling : I see my big big name!

Hahas. I miss you!!
{♥} Audrey : yesyesyes, i miss you too!
AudreyISyourMOTHER: Yo audrey . Hahahas.
{♥} Audrey : who are you ?
POSTED BY ☆ オードリーDREY @ 11:30 PM