Hey yo, it's been long long time ever since I have blog. Didn't have the chance to even touch the computer. Hahas. ok, I only remembered what happened on Saturday.

yep, on Saturday. Meet Yiling and company at Parkway Parade in the late evening. Shopped for Tingwei's birthday presents before we walked to East Coast Park for BBQ. Managed to catch up alot with Cassandra under the shelter. It's been long long time ever since we light the sticks and chat about almost everything.

( Shane's being way tooooooo step cute )
Love came at around midnight while Tingwei and company headed back to Bedok. Slack around with Love till 3am plus because I was toooooo tired. Hahas.
On the 21st, which was yesterday. Mark the fourth month I'm with Love. It didn't turn out nice but still, it ended with a little happy ending. Boy, just please remember to sleep well, don't tire yourself out. There's still plenty of time for you to search for a way to Kallang Leisure Park.
I'm blogging this late post. Yet, I'm really happy about the surprise you gave me today. Being a nice boyfriend, you came over to my campus just to collect the letter box keys from me. And check if the letters are here. You can jolly well go home and rest, but you didn't. You waited until 2pm outside my campus and fetch me home for lunch. Much appreciated my love.
One day, our love shall prove everyone wrong. No more objections.
Lastly, I love you.
POSTED BY ☆ オードリーDREY @ 8:05 PM