Special Thanks To,
Wai Hei, Dorothy, Sebas, Gerald, Choon Rong, Dexter, Shao Ting, James, Shanzi, Hannah, SinYi, Jesslyn, Steffi, Jun, Kheesen, Shanice, Chan Huei, Shirley, Yi Ling, Ian, Liang Zi, Shane, Ting Wei, Jin Wei, Eddy, Feon, Lydia, Jie Ying, Wei Xin, Wei Heng, Eric, Ben Ben, Jia Hao, Jian Hao, Kenny, Chek Lim, Kai Jun, Cyrus, Li Heng, Kenneth, Kaiyang, Jeremy, Willy, Jordan, Effendy and his friends, And Baby's Friends who turn up at my chalet. I might miss out some but still super appreciated!

Especially Love, who ran up and down for my stuffs. While I destroyed one of his birthday surprises, he never fail to make me happy with those special candles he prepared. Bringing me around for midnight bike rides with his friends around at Loyang. He is super love okay just like how I super love those birthday presents from him! Baby rocks like hella.

Thanks for the pressiesss like,
That bouquet of flowers and piglet from SK Humans! That blouse and lip gloss from Hannah and Lydia. That bottle of Vodka from Yiling Willy Kenneth. Another bottle of Chivas from Effendy Brother. And that box or Merci Chocs from Ting Wei and Shanice!
Big Big Hug and huge huge Thank You!
P.S/ I'm officially 16 yo!
POSTED BY ☆ オードリーDREY @ 8:44 PM